Reproduction Alert
Elegant Depression Glass
Lancaster Colony Company continues to make certain pieces of American under the "Whitehall" name. (Whitehall was made by Indiana glass, which Lancaster also owns.) Pieces in red, white, pink, avocado green, crystal and various blues have been made. The glass quality is not as good as the original with more pronounced mold lines. Check Gene Florence's Elegant Glassware of the Depression Era for a complete list of pieces that have been recently made.
Indiana has made some items (bowls, vases and reports of candlesticks) for Tiara in a color similar to wisteria, but that does not change color in natural/artificial light as Wisteria does. As Fostoria did not produce the Baroque pattern in Wisteria color, these new items are obvious.
Dalzell Viking had made some Candlewick pieces in colors that were never originally made. (Recently, a pastel frosted line in pink, blue, green, lilac and yellow were sold.) Boyd also made some items - marked with their B. Items in odd colors are new. Some Czech glass also resembles Candlewick.
Mosser made a miniature line in Caprice as well. As children's pieces were never originally made, these pose no problem. Summit Art Glass presently owns some Caprice molds - check Gene Florence Elegant book for detailed listing. Boyd has also produced the covered dolphin footed box in many colors - all marked with the B.
Kitchenware/Other Glass
Bennett glass company is reproducing 6 inch oval
planter (#654)and 5 1/4 inch Lilly Planter(#657) These items are marked with a
'B' in a triangle and come in colors never originally made by Akro. The bell is
also being reproduced. (Check for paneling on the handle as the repro has
paneling that stops short of the body: Akro bells are paneled all the way down
to where the handle attaches.) The 2 handled basket is also being found in non-Akro
Original says "PAT 77725" right under the
feet. Skokie Green, Crystal, Seville Yellow, Black, Cream Ivory, and French
Ivory are the original colors. All other colors are new. Coaster should match
tumbler. Old colors show opalescence when held to light.
Cobalt items, including the 1/4 pound butter dish, are
being sold through various catalogs. These new pieces are poorly molded, the
glass is too thick and has a greasy feel as well as an overall poor quality
Much kitchen glass is being reproduced now including:
measuring cups and pitchers (with and without reamer tops), Hoosier canisters
and shakers, reamers, baby reamers, Kellogg's 3 spout measuring cups, rolling
pins, sugar shakers. Generally found in cobalt, pink and green - many other
colors are out there - they are of poor quality, too thick, and badly molded.
Know from whom you buy!!
Mugs, bowls and cream pitchers have been reproduced and other items never originally made - like salt shakers - can be found. The cobalt color is too dark, the silkscreen design is too white and grainy, and the glass is too thick on these new items
Pressed Glass
Books on Reproductions
The best book available (though out of print) is the Volume 2 book entitled Confusing Collectibles, and More Confusing Collectibles by Dorothy Hammond. There are several out of print book dealers online. We suggest you try:
Another excellent way to learn more about what's on the market is to order catalogs from the importers. We suggest the following:
We cannot stress enough - Know Your Dealer! Learn your collectible and keep reading. If you know of something we missed, PLEASE email us. It's the only way to stay ahead of the game!
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